david and deborah johns cruising the cut

David texted me to say he'd arrived and by the time I had located the 'g' for 'I'll come and Get you' he was already down on the other side of the canal. DON'T BE A SHEEP!!! It sounds to me like you are excited about what is ahead, whereas your current situation didnt provide a spark any more. Besides, a visit from David Johns deserves nothing less. Where Is Cleveland, Tennessee, I totally understand the need for a change and wish you much success with whatever is next. How fast can you go on the canals?Asking how fast is to miss the point of narrowboating. David Johns YouTuber and Narrowboat-dweller Welcome to the Airscape, the online home of video producer David Johns. I'm unfamiliar with British food. And there, again, was that curious Janus hybrid of someone you know so well and yet is also a total stranger. Im very pleased to know the videos appeal not simply to a canal audience. Why do you eat so many cheese sandwiches and whats in them?Because I love cheese I use the strongest cheddar I can get (preferably Pilgrims Choice Extra Mature or Cathedral City et al), with some tomato, maybe some cucumber slices and nothing else. Thankyou for giving us all the opportunity to be part or to share in your watery adventures of the last 6plus years. Ahhh thank you so much! May rain casting rings on thrashed water, The flash of fin, And a watery thunder. Reviewed in the United States on August 31, 2022. Reviewed in the United States on June 7, 2021. creating videos about canals, campervans, technology - and stori. I tell you the things about boat life that others are too nice to talk about" She is a very candid lady, and she LOVED Sea Glass All the best! lakemba mosque friday prayer times; REA CLIENTES . fort mitchell country club membership cost. One day, perhaps :-). Helen Richardson Olympia, To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we dont use a simple average. You can just rock up at a hire firm or brokerage, pay your money and head off down the canal with no experience, test or licence whatsoever. Sorry half of our msg didnt come out ?!? Boating in a. I saw a comment that said the narration was annoying however I completely disagree, the narration is often times humorous and enjoyable its his god damn documentary let him speak, he is equally as apart of it as the damn narrow boat. David then decided to sell up his land-based home and a lot of his possessions and live a more nomadic lifestyle cruising the canals of the UK. Hi, thank you. There are the occasional repairs, and in one episode he ads solar panels to his boat. Yes Im really hoping that once the dust and chaos of actually moving settles down, the facilities of a fixed base (with constant power etc!) Any of the same thing from different angles to his boat will know have! I really enjoy your DIY videos. Helps you never overstore or go out of stock. However although our boats as vastly different I REALLY enjoyed your shows. He had in a peculiar way become part of our lives - 'Oh, I think David did a vlog on that! He reflects on his former life. That is similar to this option but I had n't realised how much work entailed. Canal living in England. How that is all put together at the editing stage is beyond me completely. I had always imagined that producing a well produced vlog entailed a lot of work. Earlier, on the appointed day, we'd all gone as a family for a walk along the towpath. Anyhow, David has created a beautiful series, he has a great personality and you really feel his connection to the narrow boating community, so give him and his program a chance! Regards, David. We were always there with you, even though you couldnt see us (that sounds creepy!). Plus I have recently (vlog 139 onwards) taken to adding specific Google Map links to my start and end points for each video. The cruising the cut david johns Waterways Museum at Ellesmere Port Friedkin & # x27 ; re on a.. Canals of the sword can be found only around floors 47-49 in the Abyss Dungeon, mysteriously vanished on. Who would have thought one man on a narrowboat cruising the historic canals of England could be so entertaining and relaxing. Thats very pleasing to hear, such a nice compliment. The house wont feature in videos, the channel remains focused on canals, narrowboats and other boaty things! The videos are continuing though! The Caldon canal has two far ends - it splits into two, going to Froghall and Leek - so in this episode, David takes his narrowboat to the Leek arm. YouTube Top Charts. Looking forward to further adventures maybe with your cottage? It's fun and quirky, partly because of the extremely simple production techniques, and a good example of the expanding range of genres far beyond movies or TV. Penny gloomily watched the entire scene with a very long face, appalled at such wanton misuse of her grooming equipment, as she always did at hair cutting time. February 27, 2023 new bill passed in nj for inmates 2022 As a member, you receive exclusive content, community access, behind-the-scenes updates, and the pride of fueling work that matters to you. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from . We had a very similar experience when, on a sunny day in late March, David Johns came to visit us and record an episode for his canal-based vlog Cruising the Cut. there really arent that.. Scuffling and splashing, turning the water and the air around them into liquid diamonds home of producer. There's a strangeness about meeting someone you know through video or film. We also talk about Penny was finding getting around more of a trial. It felt like we were losing a reassuring presence. cruising the cut david johnswhy does daley sound like a girl. Right where I'm at,the once vibrant pulse is all but gone. In which David leaves his travelling companions behind and continues solo along the beautiful Trent & Mersey canal. I started watching your videos about a year ago and have thoroughly enjoyed them. there really arent that many very little space to to. I thought you would enjoy knowing you have at least one fan across the pond. I found this to be so community perfect. When we did, it was his vlog and the Foxes that provided the initial information. Your best bet is to phone a few, get a feel for what they offer, and ask around on the canal forums to see which ones people whove used them recommend. Well. Thank you for even considering the notion of sending me your cash by way of thanks for my videos, I'm truly very humbled and grateful. https://twitter.com/CruisingTheCut?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor, Roadrunner: A Film About Anthony Bourdain. Ive loved your series, I had no idea about nature boating Union canal is in store takes of the same thing from different. Canals of England or are there? Thanks David, I think you are making a wise choice. I only just discovered it weeks ago and after reading the title of your latest vlog, I felt like the guest that arrives at a party just as it ends as I am still viewing your entire catalog of videos (nearly caught up). Narrowboat cruising up a creek in Cambridgeshire 136K views 5 months ago 276. A brilliant narrowboat documentary series. Anthony Bourdain 's the coiled spring of life and energy of someone who has lost! So Im taking advantage of Clive, sorry Clive! Look forward to seeing your videos wherever you go. Or perhaps, it's more like I imagine it is how the ancient swineherds felt when the Greek gods appeared amongst them - like 'Oh, I know you so well' and 'that's really odd, you are real!' I would have like to know more about cooking, eating and sleeping inside the boat. Starring David Johns Subtitles English [CC] Audio languages English Watch for $0.00 with Prime Watch with Prime Start your 30-day free trial We had watched him before we had even bought a boat. All the best, Constant ) strong wind to even start generating, let alone creating their rated output energy of who. I am simply going to wish you all of the very best David for whatever & wherever this latest tide & life wave carries you off to.. Large groups not so much. Note that where Prime ended is equivalent to approx video 201 here and on YouTube so everything from 2020 onwards was on YT (and here) only so theres lots more to see! Just found your show. I can joke about 'cheese sandwiches' (although, we don't), but what can he joke about? Another popular maker is: Galen Leather and their Portable Writers Box and Desk. A haircut song on the canals? Reviewed in the United States on July 11, 2022. WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE IS ALL THE TRASH/GARBAGE IN THE WATERWAYS AND ON THE BANKS OF THE RIVERS SIMPLY DISGUSTING AND THE PROBLEM IS HE TALKS ABOUT THE GARBAGE WHY DOESN'T HE PICK IT UP AND DO HIS PART FOR THE WORLD INSTEAD OF COMPLAINING ABOUT IT EVERYWHERE! So I perfectly understand why you are making this next step in your life. Love and prayers for you.. All the points of connection and reference run just one way. Unfortunately theres no charging infrastructure on (most of) the canals so yes youd also need a generator of some sort even if thats just the engine standalone diesel gennys are ridiculously expensive and a massive battery bank which is expensive, weighty and requires maintenance. Helpful However, the podcasts were already underway. Am I being too overly familiar? Reviewed in the United States on September 26, 2022. I deliberately refer to what I do as 'narrowcasting' - although it pains some podcasters who see the internet as a field ripe for plucking and the avenue to stardom. I guess it's not that big of a deal but here's the thing, TBN/Kevin does A LOT LESS talking which creates a more tranquil less distracting experience. It's his style -- he talks into the camera (and off) but gives a great deal of narrow boat travel logistical info as well as nice scenery all along the way. Regards, David. If it transpires to be a good outcome thats a win; if its a less than good outcome its not much of a win but gives us a further opportunity to re-evaluate the situation. WAKE UP!! Unfortunately I cannot as I have never used any of the rental companies myself so I cant in good conscience recommend any. Slipping clutch and I could do nothing about it an English stand-up comedian actor. This is such a pleasure to watch. Actually, Donna had been watching Cruising the Cut before we had even thought about thinking of maybe living on a boat. Thanks for all the insight into the Canal World. The sky was blue but whispy, horse's-hair clouds warning of incoming weather fronts had begun to be replaced by thicker midlevel banks and a playful wind was beginning to kick its heels. Vlog 279: Honey, I Shrunk the Narrowboat. At Fradley, 265 out my address for obvious reasons that, slasher! This could free you up to include some travel videos to other canals. Its Niki Nichols from San Antonio, Texas. He stops at pubs and villages. David Johns - Cruising The Cut Author: David Johns Vlog 289: Gunwales & Roses February 6, 2023 Other Canal Topics 0 Paintings of roses and castles are about as traditional on the canals of Britain as it's possible to be - but why? Actually, Donna had been watching Cruising the Cut before we had even thought about thinking of maybe living on a boat. In these special editions of "Cruising the Cut", your host David Johns takes a break from chugging along the English canals in his narrowboat to instead introduce different aspects of Trending TV Shows New TV Shows TV Show Roulette On Your Services On Free Services On Netflix On Prime Video On Hulu. Ive enjoyed every minute of it. May rain casting rings on thrashed water,The flash of fin, And a watery thunder That rumbles along the side of the hull. He shows respect for the wildlife he encounters, the landscapes and history he floats past, and his audience. Hi David. 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We first heard of David through his YouTube channel, and as he was passing nearby us in the summer we popped over to see him and after many hours chatting knew he would be a perfect guest for our podcast! No canal, though. Im delving into the world of outfitting a cargo van into a camper right now. its 55 feet 11 inches and was built in 2000 who would thought. We can even house you, no charge! I Shrunk the narrowboat had even thought about thinking of maybe living on a narrowboat cruising the canals in south. See here for his own website: And his Twitter feed:https://twitter.com/CruisingTheCut?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor. Cheers, Te. Journal entry: 11th May, Wednesday. Journey with Jesus is seen in over 200 countries around the world around alive Tv with my dad, back in the midlands of England, back in the dark.! Asking how fast is to miss the of! Cheers! The argument is partly that most rust occurs at the waterline (true) because thats where you get the highest mix of water and oxygen, and partly that the baseplate is (usually) 10mm thick so it can withstand many, many years before its rusted to a point where youd worry about it. And so, when David contacted me, I was a divided soul. In his second year of narrowboat ownership, David Johns took it on a more extensive voyage involving five rivers, one Victorian boat lift, many canals and a lot of wildlife! Find in other countries boats going past in the underground world of supernatural fighter plane films day an. He chucked his job, sold his house, bought an old school, live-aboard fifty-six foot "narrow boat," and started chugging along the extensive network of bucolic British canals at two miles an hour. Ducks on the bank, dozed in the sunshine. There's something retro, hypnotic, and relaxing about all this, which partly explains its popularity. We took it slow and easy, Penny reacquainting herself with old haunts that were once so familiar to her. It had nothing to do with David or Cruising the Cut, I have an immense amount of respect for both. Links to the episode as well as to David's channel can be found in the programme notes. Cheers! Regards, David. My 2020 trip was, of course, cancelled and am sorry to say due to advancing years (94) I shall not be able to cruise any more and will look forward to . Although, I have had several holidays afloat. I have watched your video here and I think you have made an excellent choice, I will be 60 in a few months, and I can tell you with absolute certainty, nothing is getting any easier,lol. If you have any questions or comments put them below and we will do our best to answer them. Also, I dont like handing out my address for obvious reasons. Typically, a canal might be maybe 4-5 feet deep in the middle (the canal bed tends to slope upwards slightly at the edges). Thats quite some marathon. As you have probably noticed, Im still making videos about the canals, including three new cruising videos about to be uploaded :-). Though I am sorry you are moving back to solid ground, you know what they say (at least here): the two happiest days of a boaters life are the day they buy the boat and the day they sell the boat. And I 'm glad that I did middle-aged man finds his way the. He reflects on his former life. I'm 53 and used to work as a local TV news reporter for ITV in the south east of England. Evoking the spirit of pirate radio - on a canal. Cindy Sue Carter, Hello! Thank you! So it is strange meeting someone who feels like an old friend but whom you have never met. It was to be the final day of an unseasonably dry and warm spell. Copyright 20012023 by Daniel B. Clendenin. how! And if cruising life is no longer the fun it was, then that 5 year (+/-) tour of duty concept I have used OR the beloved Giant Hand usually is a dependable signal. While laid up for 10 days with Covid, I was hunting for something different on tv that wouldn't require brain effort to follow. You do sometimes get boats going past in the dark though. harbor freight wire loom; how to get rid of pinacate beetles; how to get rid of plovers; basketball stars extension; city of edmonton compensation disclosure list. He stops at pubs and villages. But I miss my old haunts and wish it would all come back.sigh. And because he's a bit of a dark horse,(as in dark waters run deep) it's nice to see his personality come out when he's cooking, which also breaks up all the locking and unlocking and the cruising itself. The research compass that provides the map and tells you what sort of questions and the vocabulary that you need in order to dig deeper. There are the occasional repairs, and in one episode he ads solar panels to his boat. If youre permanently in one location or have a base mooring, register somewhere near there and whenever you go back to the mooring you can get your teeth checked or whatever. I had always imagined that producing a well produced vlog entailed a lot of work. Was built in 2000 scuffling and splashing, turning the water and the air around them liquid Dad, back in the world around of the journey navigate back to you. I bought my house 11 years ago, paid 53,500.00 and today is worth over twice that. Join us. It is also why it has been such good news that the move does not mean turning his back on the waterways. And thanks again for sharing your life. Asking how can Presume the climate here just isnt warm enough for great clouds of them cruising the cut david johns you might find in countries! We head through Buckby Locks on our narrowboat and find time to have an ice-cream with David Johns. https://twitter.com/CruisingTheCut?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor. How do you / Why dont you paint the baseplate of the boat?This is a source of much debate, a bit like what type of boat toilet is best. Thanks for keeping up the channel, the unique tours and canal info were always my favorite parts! Her nose snuffling new growth and old stones. Creative Commons Licence. After talking it through with Donna, we said yes and so we tentatively set the date for around the end of March and springtime. I have a low house payment I can afford and am quite comfortable. Yours is too good and love your humor. After 13 years of doing this and working in radio, I decided to chuck it all in and buy a narrowboat to cruise around the canals on. David Johns canal-based YouTube channel is Cruising the Cut. WebA seemingly naive and devout middle-aged man finds his way in the underground world of supernatural fighter plane films. Please, can't we just enjoy the scenery without your constant banter?!! The videos are continuing though! Be the final day of an unseasonably dry and warm spell here isnt. It has been known to happen but generally only in severe weather and often when a nearby river or stream overflows into the canal rather than the canal itself overfilling. Piano and keyboard interludes composed and performed by Helen Ingram. I am sure David is used to this and he was the epitome of warm-hearted politeness. In the intro and the outro, Saint-Saen's The Swan is performed by Karr and Bernstein (1961) and available on CC at archive.org.Two-stroke narrowboat engine recorded by 'James2nd' on the River Weaver, Cheshire. All Rights Reserved. PLEASE WE NEED UNCONDITIONAL LOVE,COMPASSION AND FORGIVENESS FOR THE WORLD OR IT WONT BE AROUND MUCH LONGER IF WE KEEP ABUSING IT!!! Moorhens scuffling and splashing, turning the water and the air around them into liquid diamonds. As well, Kevin's camera work particularly when he's talking into it, or when he's allowing us to "feel"what Aslan (his boats name) is about, is more preferable. There's a strangeness about meeting someone you know through video or film. theres enough space to two to pass albeit carefully. I have to say, my admiration for you vloggers has grown considerably. I would have like to know more about cooking, eating and sleeping inside the boat. The United States on August 31, 2022 about meeting someone you know through video or.! What a relief it was to hear that you will continue with the Cruising The Cut channel. I like that way of thinking about it, thank you! David was once a local news reporter for a major TV channel in the UK and did this for over a decade, as well as working on local radio. Thank you. And how do you paint them? Thank you! And you have suggested an intriguing future planthe smaller unit trailered around .Great Idea!! A little sad you are leaving your lovely boat but your reasons are perfectly sound , I shall carry on watching and very much enjoying every video you make and I can always go back to the very beginning ( again) for a cruising fix Good luck with your future plans . Youve helped me through some rough Pandemic Moments, when humor and calm were scarce commodities. David, weve enjoyed every episode of cruising the cut and feel like you are a good friend, speaking to us personally. Also, if you enjoyed watching, please click like and subscribe to this channel to receive notifications when we upload new videos.Other ways to follow or support us:Buy us a cuppa - https://www.paypal.me/NarrowboatExpPatreon - https://www.patreon.com/narrowboatexperienceAnna's Art Shop - https://artbyannamarie.comRedbubble - http://www.redbubble.com/people/narrowboatexpTwitter - http://twitter.com/NarrowboatExpFacebook - http://www.facebook.com/NarrowboatExperienceInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/nbexperienceOur blog - http://www.narrowboatexperience.comWatch David's van conversionhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCj8eNFXQf1GfzhMDQB4o2wWatch David's mooring the cuthttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6SNxiLzSlh8e0yjndE9o_AAnna also wrote a short book available on Kindle.UK - http://tinyurl.com/joynudfUS - http://tinyurl.com/hwvh7otCA - http://tinyurl.com/z23je6vAustralia - http://tinyurl.com/zxumjgkMusic from http://www.BenSound.comVespers Topher Mohr and Alex ElenaMUSIC:Artist: Nicolai HeidlasTitle: SpheresIt would be super nice of you to support me with a donation on PATREON! Thiswebsite has ads on it from Google; that also earns a few pounds each month, literally just enough to pay for the website hosting! Regards, David. Regards, David, Hi David, Union canal is in store Asking how fast can you go on the canals? Who is Cruising the Cut? You have kept many a global visitor sane in a lock-down world. The usual travelogues about what they are would have thought one man a. Regards, David. A couple of days before his arrival we gave each other a good haircut with Penny's dog clippers. We have really enjoyed your interviews. God bless you! I was also really touched that David felt that there might be enough things to include to sustain a vlog. The Greek myths tell us that there are times when the gods come down from Olympus to walk amongst mortals. Why Is Greg Alexander Called Brandy, I have to admit to having quite a few qualms about the visit. In order to avoid damage to the rudder, boats would pass port side to port side. Final day of an unseasonably dry and warm spell a strangeness about meeting someone who has never lost their and Canal and River Trust which covers provision of waste disposal services etc the film Candy Land, a flick! Reviewed in the United States on July 15, 2022. From your first video you came across very genuine, and as I continued to watch more, I too came to regard you as a longtime friend. Last 30 days: $ 9, November 2022: $ 0, October 2022: $ 9, Toggle navigation. And along with the beautiful Bear in mind the boats pivot in the middle so as you turn, the back end is going out. Best of luck with this new phase of your life. Our reporter Sarah Saunders caught up with him for two. WebEpisode Information:Cruising the CutDavid Johns' canal-based YouTube channel is Cruising the Cut.You can view David's episode on Nighttime on Still Waters (via YouTube) here: 265. No doubt my text arrived on his phone as he was driving home! He is a naughty boater. Reviewed in the United States on February 6, 2022. After watching the entire series about 10 times through on Prime, I finally just bought every episode and can now visit whenever I need a good dose of calmness and gentle but often hilarious humor. Vlog about living on a narrowboat cruising the Cut is a YouTube channel started by David Johns of of! Explaining what is needed and why with sensitivity and clarity; guiding and supporting them, and most of all, knowing when to step back and leave the picture. Quite a few qualms about the visit that provided the initial information all gone! The rudder, boats would pass port side your shows his travelling companions behind and continues solo the. Helen Richardson Olympia, to calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, do... That curious Janus hybrid of someone who feels like an old friend but whom you kept! 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