Bruce was arrested at his trailer home in the Quail Run Mobile Home Park on Geranium Drive in Imperial, MO after a tip came in from someone anonymous in the public. Wouldnt it be much easier the photoshop in a man on the bridge? He attempted to have sexual intercourse with her and then made her perform oral sex on him, the affidavit alleges. I feel like only someone from that area would know that. This video is intended as a reference to show the actual movements of the suspect on the bridge in the delphi case of Abby and Libby. He was sentenced in June 2016. Most of the victims were petite brunette females; one was a male who may have been mistaken for female due to his ponytail. I dont know if the voice is a match. So if you can prove that BG was wearing glasses beyond a reasonable doubt please do go see the police and thankyou so much for your help Im sure if you can prove he wore glasses that would be very helpful. Facebook However, his brother Ashley Chadwell told Inside Edition of the tattoo resembling Libby: I really dont think he had that tattoo when he got out of prison., Ashley Chadwell told Inside Edition, Hes a monster, exactly. The problem with CCTV is that for the most part it is only kept for 30 days. He was convicted of OWI with a prior, a felony and resisting law enforcement, a misdemeanor, in February 2020 in Miami County. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Were there other items in the bag? The girl also had a dog bite, according to WLFI. I just hope the mill owner doesnt mind you sharing this. Returns months after murders for no real reason, asks about murders, Looks very much like 1st sketch, only younger, Leaves again for a far away part of the country. They made it to the bridge and Libby posted photos of the girls at the bridge on her Snapchat account. On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail "Abby" Williams and Liberty "Libby" German were discovered off a hiking trail in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. Bruces alleged crimes in St. Louis were particularly brutal. Im glad you shared. An old sketch of the suspect shows him wearing a hat, and with facial . Let law enforcement do THEIR job!!!. how could any person in the world do this to two little girls like that , I hope and pray to God the person responsible for their deaths is brought before the courts and sentenced to two life sentences with no possibility of parole if the law dont catch up with you GOD will . Absolutely, absolutely. You can purchase realistic badges that will work on many people. On its own, the case doesn't seem to stand out, but Fox News reported that Delphi investigators had actually gotten involved, working with those in Fort Wayne on the case. Thomas Bruce appeared in St. Louis County Circuit court yesterday. He received a 90-day jail sentence. This sub is for discussion of the case that's come to be known as the Delphi Murders. Its a stretch, I think, but its something. The witness described Bruce as yelling and thumping on his chest, becoming even more aggressive when the police officer arrived on scene. If Thomas Bruce is also the Delphi killeris he Narcissistic enough to wear the same outfit for every murder? It's not for you to be convinced or otherwise unless you are LE. A charge of operating a vehicle while intoxicated endangering a person was dismissed. The primary suspect in the St. Louis case, Bruce, was described as a heavyset Caucasian male, 59 and 220lbs. We were there collectively about 2 weeks while we looked. F*** society. It would make sense to manipulate the image if it was a law enforcement officer who did the crime, and was setting up a red herring. I think that just because someone has a bachelor's degree does not make him an expert; we don't know his GPA or if he was a good student and paid attention. The nose, to me doesnt fit. Does the brother have any criminal history, could he have been in Delphi or know the area? Can we just skip all the formalities?, I just want a woman thats willing to put in the same effort I do. Back me and smile.. While officers were searching the neighborhood, they made contact with James Chadwell, who told officers the girl had been at his residence earlier but had left, the affidavit states. I took a picture nonchalantly just in case and send it to my mom. Delphi Snapchat murders suspect was wanted for rape before killing himself in stand-off . Court records show that Chadwell faces the following charges: attempted murder, attempted intentional killing of another; child molesting where def. He was convicted in Minnehaha County, South Dakota, of assault-aggravated, a felony, in 2003. Of course this is what the mill owner assumed, as he did not see this person for a long while after, and the person said he was going back to Penn. I love the flavor that all of you bring to my vanilla world. Id be curious to hear what his voice sounds like and compare it to the down the hill voice that the girls recorded. We offered to do anything they wanted, day one. We accessed the trails near Adam's Mill, an old grain mill turned museum, and we ended up paying the 5 dollars to go in. Just days after police released the photo of "bridge man" in the investigations of the killings of teenagers Libby German and Abby Williams, at least 15 tipsters said the man was Ron Logan,. HOWEVER, mill guy said that a few months later, the man returned. If they dont threaten my life, I wont threaten theirs.. Thats good parenting skillz., OMG!!! Thats about 34 miles from Delphi. They may not have much useable DNA from the scene of the crime in Delphi, however, they may be able to find DNA on his outfit from blood stains etc that could match the girls or other unsolved murders. He was charged in 2017. Is he capable? I dont believe he was specifically looking for young females. Paul Etter, 55, shot himself twice and died on June 27 . Go here for background on that case. But, worth looking into this angle. He wrote that he was a Welder-Fabricator at Wabash National who lived in Lafayette, Indiana, but was from La Follette, Tennessee. In another TikTok video on April 16, he said, So this national rape thing. The entire face is ridiculous,..its a bit hard to describe except for one aspect; the nose is rather large and round, and in the picture the tip of his nose is only an inch or so from his chin, with little or no sign that theres a mouth between the two. Both crimes occurred in the afternoon, on a Monday, just before a holiday, in broad daylight: St. Louis at 3:20pm and Delphi at approximately 2:30pm. It's about 20 minutes from Delphi. I know thats probably too much to ask in this day and age, but a boy can still dream. In May 2018, Anna Williams, Abby's mother; and Becky and Michael Patty, Libby's grandparents; as well as Sergeant Jerry Coleman of the Indiana State Police appeared at CrimeCon on a panel moderated by Ashleigh Banfield. Would love your thoughts, please comment. I exported each frame from the video released and lined. He described himself as single. DELPHI CASE - EPISODE 5: BRIDGE GUY ARRESTED! If you fall into that trap, thats your fault because youre a f***ing dumb a**. I don't see any harm in discussing encounters like this, as long as they aren't being pushed as truth and facts and are not interfering with the actual LE investigation. By Pathikrit Sanyal Published on : 07:42 PST, May 5, 2021. Trophies from other crimes? A cell dump is a huge amount of data to go through. Change). This is unconfirmed and based on the grainy photos. Without the bad we wouldnt appreciate the good. Would love to add it. If this is true and I were the mill owner I would be watching my back big time now esp. In this case the "one tip away" could be a friend/classmate/relative of this person who might not have heard of this case yet but upon hearing it and seeing the sketches might realize they were in that area for awhile around that time. This other guys thats been arrested? Its such a brief clip and many say it sounds similar but its hard to tell. Ive heard he may have had a kill pack or fanny pack type item around his waist that may have contained hunting tools, etc. She asked, " In light of the Golden State Killer, could DNA and genealogy sites be an area that could be mined? Also, the too dark brown color of that hand is also seen on the edge of the jacket that his hand is next to. he is the prime suspect in a home invasion in Hillsboro Missouri Jefferson County the same county where he lives and was arrested. Feel free to sign up for updates on new posts via the home page . Thats invaluable information. "I cringe and I get angry at the folks that traipse out there like it's an amusement park to them. In August 2016, he allegedly violated probation. Im a good guy, just made some mistakes. The population has Germanic ancestry/DNA. Chadwell is a felon with an extensive criminal history. Dirtiest city ever. Why would a young girl post a random picture on Snapchat of a grown up male ??? His right pant leg below the knee has a patch of about 18 or so, and its not lined up properly with the pants material above it. Follow the link below, Last month, 42-year-old James Chadwell II was arrested after police found a nine . At the time of the assaults, he was wearing a grey pageboy-style cap, a blue Carhartt jacket, a red/white/black plaid shirt, blue jeans, glasses, and a brown belt with a red or blue square in the clasp. This guy certainly looks the part, and driving through the state doesnt seem unusual. The right hand is higher. DELPHI, IN It was Valentine's Day, 2017, when the corpses of two young teen girls, Liberty "Libby" German and Abigail "Abby" Williams, were found under a train bridge. James Brian Chadwell II, who pleaded guilty to abducting, beating, and molesting a nine-year-old girl in April, was identified as a potentail suspect earlier this year. And you know, should they let him back out on the street? We still have rights.. Now this next part is PURELY speculation and opinion, but some comments have pointed out that people would have noticed someone from out of town. The modality of the slaughter is very similar, (almost identical), to Catholic Supplys case. I think his name last name was Redwine and he killed his son at 13. Discovery, Inc. or its subsidiaries and affiliates. But, its still worth mentioning. There might be other memorabilia as well, Bruce had moved into the home with his wife earlier this year; I would be curious to know where they were living prior to that. Anyone with information about this case, no matter how. murder suspect, Indiana police have released additional audio of a person they suspect murdered two teen girls in Delphi, Ind. The suspect description is the most striking similarity between the two cases. It's very little information to go on, just interesting. Go here for background on that case. He Looks Like The Delphi BG. I have always felt that the Delphi murderer is most likely someone local. Delphi Murder Suspect: Audio, video and sketch of man accused of killing Libby & Abby. His arrest ended a 2-day manhunt that had begun on Monday, November 19, 2018 when a man matching his description entered a St. Louis Catholic Supplies store and herded three female employees into a back room where he ordered them at gunpoint to strip naked and commit lewd sexual acts. The Delphi & Evansdale Murders | The Theorem Factory, Unsolved: Delphi Murders - Killer Queens Podcast, James Brian Chadwell II is a 42-year-old Lafayette, Indiana, man who is accused of attempted murder after police found an injured, missing 9-year-old girl in his basement on April 19, 2021. A composite of photos of this man and of other photos of the bridge area have been turned into a composite video and hosted on, giving the impression of the suspect walking on the bridge. If what you are saying is true, it cant be coincidental that he sends the tweet the day after the Murder and names the band April Wine (Abigail Williams). Mid to late 20s. Great article but its the only one I can find mentioning a Laura Ingraham tweet or facebook post by Thomas Bruce. The suspected pedophile - who is heavy-set and pasty-faced - used an image of a ripped and muscular young man to trick underage girls into speaking to him. If Bruce is the Delphi murderer and was wearing his murder outfit again in St. Louis that would indicate a certain twisted mind: one in which he wanted to taunt authorities and highly egotistical, believing he was untouchable. Blessings come in many shades. In October 2020, he was convicted of criminal trespass and criminal mischief and was still on probation. Can you link your sources? Renner also spoke with Anna Williams, Abby's mother. Im thinking yes. I dont have confirmation that he has a brother in Indiana. Libby's sister Kelsi told Renner, as a way to keep going and honor her sister, "I want to be the person I saw Libby as, so, outgoing and fun and talking to everybody.". I enjoyed reading your article. One reason this particular homicide case came to national attention is the haunting cell phone and social-media clues the girls left behind. Im hoping they have DNA from Delphi but it seems doubtful. The sister of one of the two Delphi Bridge murder victims says an alleged pedophile being looked at as a possible suspect is not the right man. I just learned about this yesterday! Both crimes involved multiple female victims: St. Louis involved 3 adult women and Delphi involved 2 young girls ages 14 and 13. Investigators are curious about a possible link between Thomas Bruce and the Delphi murders and are currently pursuing any leads related to that. Unfortunately, these were some of the last moments of Libby and Abby's lives. I can easily imagine BG as someone nobody would suspect, or a criminal who is protected by other criminals - maybe there are people who are fully aware that he is the killer, but BG also has dirt on them and they won't speak up. Thank you., I dont have a social circle because I dont like people. Chadwell, of Lafayette, was investigated in connection to the crime shortly after his arrest. You will always be my dream girl. Theres more than enough to go around. He has been charged with first-degree murder and multiple counts of sodomy, armed criminal actions, kidnapping, burglary, and tampering with evidence. Granted, Bruce is not wearing glasses in about half of his social media photos and may be wearing contacts or not need glasses all the time. The only thing I can figure is that word got around the neighborhood about who was moving in. Further, this is not a still photo; it is a live photo taken from a smart phone. Still cost me $400 to get out then today, I was walking in to work and slipped and fell on the ice. Otherwise, we had no connections. Returns months after murders for no real reason, asks about murders Looks very much like 1st sketch, only younger Gives off an eerie vibe She was injured and taken to the hospital for treatment. I tend to lean toward BG being a predator of opportunity he chooses his victims more because they appear vulnerable and are available than because of specific features or characteristics such as age. Hopefully someone who knows this man will piece together his being in Delphi and police can follow up on this, even if it's just to rule it out. Be thankful for the little things.. What about the man who was in Delphi around the time of the murders. The suspect in the I-70 shootings was described as a Caucasian male in his 20s-30s, 57-59 tall, had a thin build with lazy eyelids and sandy blonde or reddish hair. I've always thought BG was forensically aware. If I cant have true love, I have Pornhub. Jim Piwowarczyk to HeavyA memorial near where Abby and Libby died. What you say is his too dark, brown, right hand, is a fanny pack or something like it. These and more anomalies are evidence that this person has been sloppily constructed from various parts. ", To that Patty responded, "Thats better than what they said about me; they said I was too fat to be the guy!". Another oddity is that we have 2 young girls, alone in such a place, and one of them feels okay with taking a strange mans picture like this? Paul Etter (Carroll County Sherrif's Department) . Funds can also be donated to the Delphi Reward Fund, created by the Indiana State Police Alliance "for information leading to the arrest of the person or persons responsible for the homicides of Liberty German and Abigail Williams.". Please no more side by sides. When one of the women, Jamie Schmidt, 53-years old and a mother of three, refused to comply with his demands, Bruce allegedly shot her in the head. Charles Eldridge was taken into custody after purusing a 13-year-old girl online. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a126ba12b095c68 Dad's old clothes. All rights reserved. He received 365 days in jail. I dont need your approval. Upon his arrest, officers determined that Bruce had attempted to get rid of the very unique clothing posted in the suspect description (pageboy cap, blue jeans, blue Carhartt jacket, large belt). Just some guy's gut feeling. READ NEXT: Read More About the Delphi Murders, James Brian Chadwell: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know, Copyright 2023 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. True crime journalist James Renner visited Delphi and spoke to the Pattys, who describe Libby as a fun-loving tomboy with lot of friends. Jeans way too big. In the distance, if you look close, you can see a man approaching. Whats your theory of what happened ? Bridge Guy is a planner, organized, on a mission, experienced. It's just a very quaint 3 story mill with lots of old machinery and whatnot. Someone looks like somebody, that obviously does not mean that is the person, the sheriff cautioned to ABC News. Thank you for going to lay flowers. Bruce was tracked down when a waitress at another establishment recalled someone matching the Catholic Supplies Store attacker having come into her restaurant shortly before the murder. But I have everything. Took me about 15 minutes to wake him up. About 1.5 months ago, I visited these hiking trails near Wildcat Creek with my bf. Bruce appears to have had reddish hair as recently as June 2018 in more recent photos it appears more white and also more neatly shaved. Theres only one road that goes out to it and I still forget how to get there sometimes. Im not what she deserves but Im trying to be something. Police have received some 250 tips since last week but are still asking for the public's help. If he didnt get the visitor's name or specifics about where he was staying (and of course consider someone planning this would very likely be untruthful) how could LE have cleared this lead? What about the voice? At one point, Chadwell got dressed to go answer the door and then the police found her, it says. Thanks. I realize he shared this with you two who hed met for the first time, hopefully hes not the type to care about it. You can see the top of his right hand sticking out of his pocket. If anyone thinks the man in question resembles the suspect on the bridge,realize that the artists rendition isnt an actual picture or depiction . I really feel his voice does not sound like BG. The families also spoke of the difficulty faced in the early states of an investigation, where any of them could have been considered suspects, and the authorities had to investigate them to rule them out. He was accused of violating probation. It is believed he did not know his victims. I wrecked it now Im here again at the beginning. Of those murdered, all were shot with a single bullet through the head, just like Jamie Schmidt in the Catholic Supplies murder. There they found a young girl who was visibly distraught and crying, with her clothing on the floor beside her, the affidavit states. On Wednesday, November 21, 2018, Thomas Bruce of Imperial, Missouri was arrested and charged with 17 criminal counts including first-degree murder, sodomy, and kidnapping. It's possible the police did look into it and it was nothing. DELPHI, IN - It was Valentine's Day, 2017, when the corpses of two young teen girls, Liberty "Libby" German and Abigail " Abby" Williams, were found under a train bridge. He left a business card behind, which she retrieved from the trash and handed over to police. His physical similarity to the Delphi suspect was noted, but authorities have been careful to state that as of now, no connection has been made between him and the Delphi case. Suspect in Delphi Snapchat Murders [Wanted Poster]. I actually tend to believe the murderer was someone who lived in Delphi and was local, and then probably left the area after the murders. He displays a combination of organization as well as disorganized behavior in regards to his alleged crimes. Crazy weekend. At this point, all of the family members and investigative officers have been effectively ruled out as suspects. He also seemed to make a point to stop 20-25 min OUTSIDE of Delphi to ask about the bridge, which seems strange if he was Just a tourist actually interested in the bridge. Astute observers noted that Chadwell has tattoos of two girls faces on his arms in which they appear to be crying blood. He was in town delivering a load of stuff to the packers plant (maybe wrong on the name) but its the plant thats just a couple miles from the trail. (I dont have these links handy but if youre interested I will dig them up). Ive worked on more then 50 cases overall and Ive solved many of these cases by use of just video footage or even a single photograph. Also not coincidental that he would use THOMAS Jefferson and Liberty 2017 (Liberty German). Upon arrival Officers took a report stating a female child approximately ten years old had left her residence at approximately 6:30 p.m. and could not be found. In October 2018, only a month before the crimes, Bruce allegedly became involved in a road rage incident. The Delphi Police Department, the Carroll County Sheriff, the Indiana State Police, and the FBI are asking for your assistance in identifying the suspect in the double homicide of two teenage girls, Abigail J. Not know his victims County where he lives and was arrested good guy, just like Schmidt. Suspect was wanted for rape before killing himself in stand-off anyone with information about this case, matter. One road that goes out to it and I still forget how to get there sometimes ) to. 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Where Is Brian Winchester Now,
Articles D