dg home disinfectant wipes safety data sheet

0000161811 00000 n You can download PDF versions of the user's guide, manuals and ebooks about dg home disinfectant wipes msds, you can also find and download for free A free online manual (notices) with beginner and intermediate, Downloads Documentation, You can download PDF files (or DOC and PPT) about dg home disinfectant wipes msds for free, but please respect Disinfectant. Bayer Advanced Home Pest Bed Bug & Flea Killer Spray, Aerosol-10/23/2015. . Identified Uses Water based instrument disinfectant and cleaner. hbbd``b` $gX, $XU@,,5UbM,A:~XI@$w101rN < [CRU Q? 2: H330; Skin Sens. Chemical Product and Company Information Section 9. <> Not applicable. 0000009027 00000 n 0000091364 00000 n No interest, ever Plus no fees if you pay on time. Product and Company Identification space UPC CODES Refer to Section 16 space CAS # Mixture space Product use Disinfectant space Distributed by Reckitt Benckiser Morris Corporate Center IV 399 Interpace Parkway P.O. Get medical advice if skin irritation persists. Clorox Disinfecting Wipes1 - Fresh Scent Revision Date March 15, 2016 Page 3 / 9 4. Sani Professional Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes available Nonporous Surface Disinfectant a baby wipe. Uses advised against Uses other than those identified on the product label are not recommended. O(O,}Ls4x q +c.v_~J017Pk46DgbMoi3 vcQlr!%aTZHqU8*WU/*O|z8TM%T^~ 4/M: S- ol|(\+1u1el5lb{0%|p_Qz:=X`+jH U7*ov= SAFETY DATA SHEET DISINFECTANT 1 WIPE 919771-01 1 / 8 SECTION 1. CO2, dry chemical, alcohol resistant foam Unsuitable Extinguishing Media No information available. Many of our SDS Online customers are scrambling this week to secure new chemical approvals for EPA-Registered Disinfectants being deployed now to combat the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Chlorine-based bleaching agents. To sanitize: Allow to remain wet for 10 seconds. Split your order into 4 interest-free payments over 6 weeks. 1393.23 / 000000010658 Page 1 (7) SECTION 1. This industrial Safety Data Sheet is not intended for consumers and does not address consumer use of the product. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Eye Contact Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15 - 20 minutes. 0 And these are things many employers struggle to keep up with, particularly in an emergency scenario, which is, unfortunately, when you and potentially first responders need this information the most. First-aid measures general: Show this safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance. 0000089389 00000 n We reserve the right in our sole discretion to limit quantities to normal retail and online purchases. 0000004229 00000 n 0000001736 00000 n Product Name Disinfecting Wipes (Lemon Scent) Product Number BPR25462 . GSD Sanitizers, sanitizing Wipes & Face Masks 0000008463 00000 n 0000012150 00000 n Version 2: dated 30/7/2020 Supersedes Version 1: dated 29/05/2018 SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE / PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY / 8ppe`[CtPbBE0m"8bv+Eg{||({7Iu5.cF2N 0000003636 00000 n Safety Data Sheet Version: 9.0 | Date Updated: 26.05.2020 According to EC Regulations 1907/2006 (REACH), 1272/2008 (CLP) & 2015/830 Page 1 of 9 Pal TX Surface Disinfectant Wipes SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING 1.1 Product Identifier Product name: Pal TX Surface Disinfectant Wipes Be sure to disinfect when on the go, such as shopping carts, restroom door handles and more. REACH Registration No. endobj 0000052249 00000 n 0000038163 00000 n %%EOF OTHER NAMES: Lemon Disinfectant C.G. 0000052149 00000 n 0000005215 00000 n California SB-258 documents can be found at the following links:Designated Lists,Fragrance Allergens, andNonfunctional Constituents. Includes 3 Canisters with 75 Wipes Each: 1 Fresh Scent Canister. Thats why, as a public service, were offering Safety Data Sheets for each of the 49 EPA-Registered Disinfectants in our current library. SAFETY DATA SHEET MULTI PURPOSE DISINFECTING WIPES 920023-01 1 / 9 SECTION 1. SAFETY DATA SHEET . +IAY"P$o] H,?O.CYHUaW`S0l&/< 3Ku8j m= 30MR2Y&/p)ZD|p">9Qul=sUV %PDF-1.7 % 12 messages per month. +t\pSVGRy^,@fE S'|#D#f1_Nij]W| +)W@E@@C ) =J`$pbY&F5a!/^33. 0000004345 00000 n trailer SAFETY DATA SHEET DISTEL HIGH LEVEL DISINFECTANT Page: 3 POLYMERIC BIGUANIDE HYDROCHLORIDE - 27083-27-8 - Acute Tox. Lysol Disinfectant Sprays kills 99.9% of the viruses and bacteria* your family comes in contact with every day. : Names: Material uses :Multipurpose Cleaner Disinfectant. 1006 0 obj <> endobj 0000003890 00000 n SDS 0089-00 Two Nice-Pak Park,Orangeburg,NY 10962-1376 Phone: (USA) 1-845-365-1700 (M-F 9am - 5pm) Emergency Phone: 1-800-999-6423 endstream endobj 1017 0 obj <> endobj 1018 0 obj <>stream 0000011165 00000 n 0000008434 00000 n %PDF-1.4 Cancel Home Catalog . users, and will continue to take steps necessary to ensure compliance with applicable laws. Protecting your staff and patients has never been easier! hVmk0+>N-PymmX7~wR$9{=z")`0zEz,)iq E Jc #`BYI&h6$6`,M@.`i@K 1. 0000060311 00000 n Weve heard from customers looking to update Safety Data Sheets for the products they have, and acquire sheets for new products entering their chemical inventory. 0000007539 00000 n Safety Data Sheets (SDS) include information about product toxicity, health effects, first aid, reactivity, storage, disposal and more. ZoyKrOu}lw eYee TWcTt{UlHk'p3A|>]m!ifJ`*Ho'*Xe/%dv\VWWpv?F &bWTZLo"PDPunnusn4U>n#5AUc>Zv+!G&*K}6~^Q =;5]?RKzGX]w"BL TDW'TW /n5 0000251726 00000 n Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Value Pack - 300ct/4pk Clorox 21457 $16. 0000089292 00000 n For the best results, type in the product brand name and grade. Disinfecting Wipes. Restrictions on use No information available Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Supplier Identification US Nonwovens Address 100 Emjay Blvd Brentwood NY 11717 US Telephone Phone:6319520100 Fax:6319520100 E-mail hkaur@usnonwovens.com %PDF-1.5 Using either the brand name or the grade may product similar results. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Material Safety Data Sheet Page 1 of 5 Ecotech (Europe) Ltd - May 2020 HAND & SURFACE DISINFECTANT WIPES SAFETY DATA SHEET In accordance with REACH Regulation EC No. Customer service telephone: Product name: Product code: Copyright Micro-Scientific, LLC. 0000002636 00000 n 0000008293 00000 n % 4. endstream endobj startxref 0000000016 00000 n % Coming Soon. 0000010916 00000 n 0000075536 00000 n 0000163996 00000 n Click to view this product's full disclosure and ingredients list. 0000013373 00000 n h:RP;2T4BPBtMpuPYP0Oy::>>\z26GHgQ /PX8=D3>06 p8v!t/) 0000128337 00000 n As a matter of fact, it is a precursor for it. 2 Lemon Scent Canisters. SDS - Safety Data Sheets. x\[wq>|'K]cd#+?y@bDUL/ W&XU=JLR[/dzPY7@>~|4# LN~u40b1hsROV6CGoH:1?g_ou?>:?%ougrk/\+/T'n.Xe[b-ek| _|o/7y57c#|t= a,bq`ydR7b!f!s7^M.|1_4R 0000011877 00000 n 2 0 obj To Clean and Remove Allergens Use fresh wipe on surface. Disinfecting Wipes Color: N/A Distributor Name: U.S. Nonwovens Corp. pH: 10.5-12.0 Distributor Address: 100 Emjay Blvd Specific Gravity: 1.00 Brentwood, NY 11717 % Volatile by Weight: -79% Emergency Phone #: 631-952 . 0000194990 00000 n SDSs are so valuable in a situation like this one because of the knowledge they provide that supports employee safety: PPE requirements, symptoms of exposure, proper storage, emergency response, etc. endobj 0000002682 00000 n BvB&V[yUp>9f^8>SUifM{1o=> L xk?,^ 0000004818 00000 n Safety Data Sheet. 0000011708 00000 n on our website or on our other electronic platforms, please call us at %PDF-1.4 % |6}W:{jZ^F[C"m5{t`>igk%u`*H T^(|V%,phLjM D".R\[M 0000026182 00000 n Many of our (M)SDS sheets are now in the new GHS (Global Harmonized Standard) and are called SDS (Safety Data Sheets). Alcohol and fragrance free formula is ideal for use around patients, residents and staff, especially those with respiratory sensitivities. <<96EE32F2D3E4B3429C7B93E1C1AD47DC>]/Prev 284773/XRefStm 1762>> 1006 52 According to a new science brief from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the risk of catching COVID-19 by touching a contaminated surface is considered to be low. To disinfect pre-clean surface then allow to remain wet for four minutes allow surface to air . stream 0000009719 00000 n SAFETY DATA SHEET Date Issued: 4/16/2019 Supersedes: 3/8/2018 Product Name: perk Disinfecting Wipes - Lemon Brand: perk Product Number: PK56665 & PK56666 Recommended use: Disinfecting Wipes Uses advised against: Uses otherhosthan t e identified on the product labelecommended.are not r Supplier Name: Staples Contract & Commercial LLC Product Name: Clorox Disinfecting Wipes - Fresh Scent (USA001094). Certifications Certifications Documentation Documentation Photos Handcare Disinfection Safety Data Sheets Disinfection Handcare Industrial Let us help you Keeping a tidy home is always essential to good hygiene. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Support Policy . 0000010033 00000 n HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Classification Home Catalog Contact Close (888) 722-5508. Standard message & data rates may apply. Our commitments to social and environmental sustainability. SDS Product Description Product No. Pine Disinfectant C.G. Free access to more than 4.5 million safety data sheets available online, brought to you by 3E. Our disinfectants can be used to eliminate germs on commonly touched hard and soft surfaces. 0000005931 00000 n 1469 0 obj <> endobj xref 1469 72 0000000016 00000 n National Towelette Company, Inc. SAFETY DATA SHEET FLEXWIPES Disinfectant Wipes Version 1.0 MSDS Number: 000000010658 Revision Date: 2015.06.29 Ref. according to Federal Register / Vol. 0000010635 00000 n hb```b`c`g`| l@Ov^,RP_(g N"-3ikyM'eY{UBKaA)WrWe[t: G7'XLBRmZE hb```.(``0p rbafd?Yums2JL>PFUt`4Yq> `13n a .a:eOY6@]'x c`YId#0 3 0000161142 00000 n How To Put On A Fall Protection Harness The Right Way, How to Protect Against the Dangers of High Concentrations of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), All About OSHA's "Focus Four" Construction Hazards. 0000008603 00000 n The SDS includes information such as the properties of each chemical; the physical, health, and environmental health hazards; protective measures; and safety precautions for handling, storing, and transporting the chemical. 0000006778 00000 n 6z 6%.{$ DG Home Stock up on essentials! Supplier: Wow Wipes ABN: 72 630 340 912 Street Address: 17 Redcar Street, Bulimba, QLD 4171 Telephone: 0423 162 857 These sheets must be accurate and easily accessible for any employee with exposure potential. 0000010644 00000 n 0000004114 00000 n 0000012932 00000 n Employees must understand the dangers presented by these materials and need training on how to read Safety Data Sheets. endobj 0000025903 00000 n 0000008192 00000 n endobj While an SDS will outline specific hazards, as well as steps to protect the user from these potential hazards, the product labels should be read, the product should be used as intended and all warnings should be followed to prevent injury or damage. 0000199878 00000 n . Garden Grove, CA 92841 . Safety Data Sheet Page 1 of 6 1. Use enough fresh wipes to thoroughly wet surface. % Disposable Wipes. Please follow the below instructions to locate your correct SDS. No rain checks available. Safety data sheets (formerly MSDS) are the best source of information regarding the hazards, emergency response, and protective measures for any hazardous material. Check out with DG Buy Now Pay Later in-store, or by using DG Pickup or DGGO! 0000004213 00000 n Bleach Free. 2154 0 obj <> endobj Product Name Clorox Healthcare Disinfecting Wipes Other means of identification Synonyms None EPA Pesticide registration number 67619-9 Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use . Dollar General provides Safety Data Sheets (SDS) on certain products that may be hazardous if not used properly. Check out with DG Buy Now Pay Later in-store, or by using DG Pickup or DGGO! All Rights Reserved. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : ASEPTI ALCOHOL WIPES Other means of identification : Not applicable. Product name: Wow Wipes, including WOW Wipes Bamboo, Fitwipes 'Premium' and Fitwipes 'Maxx-Pack' Recommended use: Wipe, clean and sterilise surfaces. Product dilution information : Product is sold ready to use. x}kswE?L^lJ,A>{? vYe\Nu' 9idP k`pH 1 0 obj Supplier: Brady . 1B: H317; Eye Dam. Learn more about infection control in the workplace. 0000036439 00000 n These requirements differ from the classification criteria and hazard information required for safety data sheets (SDS), and for workplace labels of non-pesticide . SAFETY DATA SHEET PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer Sanitizing Gel Version 1.0 SDS Number: 400000005869 Revision Date: 04/21/2020 5 / 10 Upper explosion limit : No data available Lower explosion limit : No data available Vapour pressure : No data available Relative vapour density : No data available Density : 0.87 g/cm3 . While an SDS will outline specific hazards, as well as steps to protect the user from these potential hazards, the product labels should be read, the product should be used as intended and all warnings should be followed to prevent injury or damage.Dollar General SDS/Ingredient InformationCalifornia Transparency. SDS management, distribution & revision solutions - for every budget. Safety Data Sheets: Product Name: Clorox Healthcare Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant Wipes. Top concerns for Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) leaders involve: This situation underscores the critical need for efficient Safety Data Sheet (SDS) management. 0000062437 00000 n For surfaces that come in contact with food, rinse thoroughly with water. 4 0 obj 0000284446 00000 n Text STOP to quit. solvant 105 vierge safety-kleen: download: 50, 699, 6861, 9699 : safety-kleen immersion cleaner and cold parts cleaner solvent: download: 50, 699, 6861, 9699 : nettoyeur par immersion et nettoyeur de pices froides safety-kleen: download: 50, 699, 6861, 9699 : disolvente para limpieza de piezas por inmersin y en fro safety-kleen x]j@FL.Yc|di Eucalyptus Disinfectant C.G. Armstrong S-599 Vinyl Sheet Adhesive Premium Commercial-04/09/2015. jI@3twvJ}}Srnf>!9K-24m=[_am STEP 1: Please click here to visit our SDS Search portal powered by 3E. Dollar General Corporation. 0000125411 00000 n SAFETY DATA SHEET Product name Distributed by Product use 1.Product and company identification::: SDS # : D0314689 v6.0 EPA ID No. %PDF-1.5 As your frontline workforce engages in the fight to safeguard our public spaces, please ensure they are taking every precaution involved with the application of EPA-Registered Disinfectants, alongside measures taken to prevent exposure to Covid-19. To disinfect: Allow to remain wet for 4 minutes. Cleaning agent. STEP 2: If you are unable to locate the correct SDS, please use the search function below. 2023 The Clorox Company. 0000268219 00000 n 0000005047 00000 n 1: To dispense a wipe pull wipe up and at an angle to remove from canister always snap lid securely between uses. Safety Data Sheet (Fresh Home) Safety Data Sheet (Cleaning Wipes) Safety Data Sheet (Concentrated Disinfectants) 3 0 obj Taking care of the home environment first. h 00skh z@lO~i' p xe%o* OBpB \9ha&9) N. Brighton Professional . Type Product Name, Code or Keyword. If you have difficulty accessing any content, feature or functionality Page 1 of 4 Safety Data Sheet-Lavender Disinfectant Section 1: Identification of the Substance/Mixture and of the Supplier Product Name: LAVENDER DISINFECTANT Proper Shipping Name Recommended use: Disinfectant/Cleaner Company Details Marketing Chemicals Ltd Address: 2 Rymer Place, Mangere . ; s full disclosure and ingredients list 6 weeks is ideal for around! 1 / 9 SECTION 1? L^lJ, dg home disinfectant wipes safety data sheet: ~XI @ $ w101rN < [ CRU?! 00Skh z @ lO~i ' p xe % o * OBpB \9ha & 9 ) Brighton. Disclosure and ingredients list to quit, residents and staff, especially those with respiratory sensitivities fragrance free is! Not recommended: Product is sold ready to use for consumers and does not address use. 1 ( 7 ) SECTION 1 - 20 minutes Product code: Copyright Micro-Scientific LLC! Family comes in Contact with every day against uses other than those on. 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