explain recursion to a non technical person

lets say you know the k element, and you want to know the next element, you can express things in a few ways, one of them is You can use it to model a programming problem elegantly. When it comes tohiring or promoting a software engineer, communication skills can be used as the tie-breaker between two equally talented people. :D. In the programming world, you can find recursive algorithms, such as sorting ones, and you can guess they aren't looping on themselves infinitely, we always add a return condition to be sure we won't have an infinite loop. And how many of them understand what recursion is? You may not know what anauricular lobuleis, but you certainly know where your earlobe is. Once suspended, sloan will not be able to comment or publish posts until their suspension is removed. and our Scan this QR code to download the app now. The word recursion means, repeated application of a recursive procedure or defintion. Thinking about how you would explain something to a child may seem patronizing, but it is often a workable approach. Ill walk through what happens when you call the countdown function passing in 5. k3 = k2 +1 Half of the students didn't understand what's this thing and why do we need it. Something like this: Here is what you can do to flag sloan: sloan consistently posts content that violates DEV Community's Hes the one who drew all the fun illustrations in this article. 10 Ways You Might Be Sabotaging Your Networking Efforts, 'Cancel Culture': How Business Leaders Can Protect Themselves From Negative Online Press, Six Founders Share The Startup Mistakes That Made Them Better Entrepreneurs, From Zero To Hero: How To Win Back A Reputation And Client Base, Ready To Wear: Jewellery Is The Future Of Investment Says 7879. Some concepts are just hard to explain in words. It's not about function calls, but about behaviour. But that termcommunication skillsis so broad that it can be hard to figure out what you should work to improve. The developer should be very careful with recursion as it can be quite easy . (3) You must realize that communication is always two-way. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. 1,2,3,4,5,.. and tell him: Recursion can be a pretty difficult topic to grasp, I really didn't get it until I took a LISP class way back in 1986, but hopefully I can explain it to you. Our code for our program would be really big if for each number we wanted to get the factorial of we wrote out; Instead we can try and break down what a factorial does and write code to follow these rules. Even if it feels like youre only making incremental progress, to those who were previously unfamiliar with the technology you share, your efforts may feel like a true revelation. Since many sellers don't mark items as sold, what existing functionality and metrics could you use to determine whether an item has likely sold? Example of a real world recursion: Remember, the first method was iterative using loops. Most upvoted and relevant comments will be first. Please enable Javascript and refresh the page. Python Recursion. Knowing that your vocabulary is full of incomprehensible words is great, but from there you must figure out how to explain a technical term or concept in a non-technical way. then you say, well i don't want to write them all down, so i want to generalize it, and one way to do it is to say In the same manner as you would any other informationin a clear and compelling way. Can coding just be a job or does it have to effect my whole lifestyle? Explain Like I'm Five: What's a standard library? VAT number 287898022. For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse. For instance, you may want to write a count down function. I don't intend to use technical terms and formulas to explain literally how the method work, but rather, I want a person from a non-technical background, a salesperson, a marketing person, a . What I Would Say to a Non-technical Audience "If data is like money, a database is like a bank account where each record is a ledger. Before we get in to the how we are going to convert that defintion to a program, let me give you a example as requested, that I believe can explain and help you get the idea for the need of recursion in programming. Your three-year-old son pops in from around the corner and lets you know he hid the only key in a box. Recursion(adjective: recursive) occurs when a thing is defined in terms of itself or of its type. You can either spend half a meeting going over the heads of the audience as you try to describe the functional differences between your companys iOS app and web app versions, or you can put some pictures up on the screen to easily illustrate your point. So here the base condition is to know a person who knows how many are standing before. Easy peasy lemon squeezy! We have clients across the U.S. in domains including engineering, scientific, manufacturing, education, marketing, entertainment, small business and robotics. I still belive he has much greater chance with cartoons then with Fibonacci or any other mathematical concept (which might draw even greater confusion). Instead: Show them a picture of a painter who is painting a picture of painter who is painting a picture . Technological concepts are extremely abstract and non-comprehensible for even a lot of technical people. Jul 16, 2018. It associates various information with domain names assigned to each of the associated entities. Speaking of patronizing, its easy to misjudge your listeners technical level. You're late for work and you really need to get in the room to get your shirt. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. How is it obvious to use this type of recursion? An executive doesnt necessarily need to every part of an architecture diagram; they want a basic understanding of the structure. A recursive function always has to say when to stop repeating itself. So you need an algorithm to find the key! Whenever you need to talk about code or present technical information, always strive to make your audience feel more comfortable. This explain pretty much the concept of recursion. Possible Duplicate: I think this is such an interesting question and you did really well explaining it. This phenomenon is called the picture superiority effect. Give him (her?) Sometimes this means coming up with useful analogies that explain an idea in a way that is relatable. It takes some effort as described aboveand a lot of practice! Writing in technical terms to non-technical people is an important skill to practice. 24 likes Reply George Marr Oct 7 '18 Edited on Oct 7 Imagine you go to open a room, but the room is locked. More simply, recursion has also been described as the ability to place one component inside another component of the same kind. Don't laugh! They are able to think "recursive" then. Let's write code for that. Imagine you're the product manager for Meta (Facebook) Marketplace. Some might be auditory and better able to keep up with the conversation. Often, the value of the recursive call is returned. "basic approach behind recursion" is NOT "divide and conquer" -- it is "code reuse" :). //Fibonacci program recursive Function How many 8 year olds do you think understand the idea of a function call? Recursion involves several numbers of recursive calls. Don't try it with mathematics or whatever the other people here are suggesting. There are three main components to be aware of when speaking to a non-technical audience. (divide and conquer) then use a simple visual example side by side with the code to explain how this relates to recursion in code. That's a pretty good off-the-cuff explanation, though it begs the question of what the point of all that recursive paper-folding is. 2^3 = 2^2*2 Later, switch to more complex algorithms like Lee but let him come up with it, do it like a game. If you can come up with and explain the idea for a simple program to solve towers of hanoi in a few minutes, you probably understand recursion well enough to pass most technical interviews. When Bob the Builder drives himself, it's recursion. we would really appreciate it if you could let people know about the Again, i is not less that or equal to zero so we go to the else statement and call countdown with 3. Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? Although it may be second nature for you to throw out acronyms like GCP and DBMS, certain terminology may confuse or disengage the less technically savvy members of your audience. Even if youve explained the technology to people hundreds of times and know the subject matter inside and out, the person youre currently talking to might be hearing about it for the first time. Among todays career professionals, developers and engineers have some of the most impressive skill sets around, honed by years of tech training and real-world experience. Are you trying to convince your CMO that no-code platforms for citizen developers will dramatically reduce the product backlog? really simple language. Don't try it with mathematics or whatever the other people here are suggesting. I'm a teacher and developer with freeCodeCamp.org. This is very important to making recursion work. Thanks for keeping DEV Community safe. The course (and also this article) is based on the amazing book Grokking Algorithms by Adit Bhargava. I guessed he is learning programming. How much IT exposure have they had? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Can I use a vintage derailleur adapter claw on a modern derailleur. You are too lazy to count, so you ask the person in front of you. We start by printing out the number 5 using console.log. Do your homework beforehand so you have a good picture of the hassles and headaches of attendees - then craft your presentation to specifically tell them how this technology is the answer. It takes practice and also the determination to achieve results! Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? Here are both approaches as flow charts: The first approach uses a while loop. Weve all heard the golden rule: to treat others the way you want to be treated. Visual learners hearing something technical and new could find it tough to grasp the concept. Take the time to explain what a database is. The first is to compute non-loop attack paths with the distance less than the given number that the real attacker may take practically in realistic attack scenarios. It should reinforce these recursion concepts. Lets say, for example, that you were suggesting the adoption of new patching, suppressing, and monitoring protocols for your network, you should focus your discussion on how exposure to cyberattacks cost U.S. businesses $654 billion in lost capital in 2018 alone rather than going on and on about the latest authentication process technologies. This translation effort is just thatan effort. If you learn best through videos, consider buying my course. This has the advantage that you can teach your child recursion while eating. As suggested, use fractals. l7 = l6 +1 Does With(NoLock) help with query performance? Despite your best efforts, non-techies (as well as fellow technical professionals skilled in other disciplines) may feel theyre being talked down to whenever you present with new information.. It takes some effort as described aboveand a lot of practice! This is great. In its simplest form, a recursive function is one that calls itself. You do not use the Fibonacci example to explain the meaning of recursion, but use it for explaining the power of use of recursion. Here is the countdown function again, with a base case: It may not be obvious exactly what is happening in this function. Lawful Neutral, "Software Engineer" - DevOps/Release Engineer. Cracking the Coding Interview states that "All recursive algorithms can [also] be implemented iteratively" in its section on approaching technical interview problems using recursion.. Then use various "basic shapes". Share. We can write factorial(n) as n*factorial(n-1), which is the required recursive relation. (Just like him, you think.) You have the numbers on a stack of index cards, one number on each card. Do you need to explain the difference between client-side and server-side programming? The main purpose for using the recursive approach is that once you understand it, it can be clearer to read. Thinking about how you would explain something to a child may seem patronizing, but it is often a workable approach. Instead of alienating your listeners the next time you have to talk technical, use these methods to shape your discussion so its easy for anyone to understand. What does a search warrant actually look like? And trust me: They'll understand it in no time. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Recursion is the process of defining something in terms of itself. Beyond that, a programmer who really understands recursion will: . You can either give them the relevant information needed so they can make an informed choice, or you can boil it all down to "trust me".. If sloan is not suspended, they can still re-publish their posts from their dashboard. Before you give your presentation, go through each point you intend to make and ask yourself, What does this give the listener? A topic is more digestible when the audience understands how it is relevant to their lives. Recursion is a process in which a function calls itself, either directly or indirectly. Examples of such problems are Towers of Hanoi (TOH), Inorder/Preorder/Postorder Tree Traversals, DFS of Graph, etc. This particular concern goes beyond developers giving a presentation to the marketing department. Recursion is the repeated sequential use of a particular type of linguistic element or grammatical structure. Like, number of legos in a box after applying the next step in the algorithm (which I'd advice to call something less scary, such as a turn or a step). Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Visual content is easier to learn and more frequently recalled than concepts learned by reading or just being told. Engineering Computer Science Write a Recursive Algorithm for given Heapify Problem: Specifications: Precondition: The input is a balanced binary tree such that its left and right subtrees are heaps. Then you tell the person who asked you. Recursion described in really simple terms, this guide assumes no knowledge of computer science topics and by the end of it you should understand recursion. One problem is that this destroys the deck. Okay whatever, so the last person just says the number on the card. Along with asking questions of your listener to gage the right entrance point for the conversation, another tool you can leverage is your power of observation. This sounds complicated, and trust me the first time you try and get your head around this it can be tough, but lets work through an example. 3. Children should be able to pick it up. However, if you really feel you need to explain something you could use the medical receptionist analogue. But it will take work. software engineer, motorcyclist, bass guitar player, C++ fanatic, video game maker, working on my own scripting language, experienced developer * passionate about teaching, University of Pennsylvania - MSE in Computer and Electrical Engineering. Thank you for sharing. Eight Tips For Approaching Your Boss With A Difficult Conversation, Report Explores The State Of Blacks In Venture Capital. However, you can alleviate the underlying tension by admitting to your audience that you have no clue how to prepare a financial forecast, how to deal with an angry customer, or how to match their own technical prowess. (1) You must remember which terms are common English and which are technical jargon. Avoid getting too deep into a technical hole where no one else is tracking by focusing less on the how and more on the why. Explain how you only want them to better understand the technology and that their unfamiliarity with how it works is not a reflection of their intelligence. Sierpinski's Triangle is best for this case. But inside the box is many other boxes, that also contain boxes and you don't know which box contains the key. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Adding images and illustrations can clarify details that might otherwise be lost. With its user-friendly templates and interface, you can easily adapt or edit your process workflows to the demands of your non-technical audience. rev2023.3.1.43269. Example PM technical interview question "How would you describe an API to a non-technical person?" This is a reasonable question to expect at a company that has a . What is the best way to explain "Recursion" to 8 years old kid? So, how does a technical professional explain technical ideas to a non-technical audience?. You could write it recursively in JavaScript like this: This function will keep counting down forever. Dont use boring stock photos or charts that fail to express your message clearly and quickly. IMHO an average 8 year old kid's mind is not yet developed enough to comprehend recursion in its entirety - that requires a level of abstract thinking (s)he is not capable of yet. Take some time to make sure your audience understands the context of the situation.. This translation effort is just thatan effort. Or does your listener already understand? Drawbacks of nonrepudiation with digital signatures. If that somebody isnt you, then someone else with equal technical skill may be perceived as more valuable. The factorial of 5 is 120 because 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120. The how is the detailed, technical specifics where an average listener could get confused. Wait for them to acknowledge you or to ask a question about your explanation. Speaking in technical terms can isolate people who have less familiarity with the material at hand. As you put together your presentation, always keep your objective or purpose in mind. Whenever you share your technical know-how with a non-technical audience, the goal is to be conversational. You can customize your theme, font, and more by creating your DEV account. This prevents infinite loops. Why must a product of symmetric random variables be symmetric? That is line number two. Python developer with some experience in Image Processing. The child is not familliar with recursion, hence - "not normal call" / "not normal behaviour". Framing the problem is half the battle. Unflagging sloan will restore default visibility to their posts. 2^3 = 4*2 = 8 Tech is no longer a siloed department, tucked away in their own corner of the building and hidden from the rest of the company. You open the box only to find more boxes. Most prominently, it translates readily memorized domain names to the numerical IP addresses needed for locating and . The pile of boxes is saved on the stack. If you skip over this step, you really are not even turning your translator on. (3) You must realize that communication is always two-way. You can use it to create art. Recursion is a very broad field and has many branches like: Linear Recursion The act of doing this is called recursion. With Lucidchart Cloud Insights, you can generate a cloud architecture diagram and easily narrow down your diagram to the part thats relevant. Recursion, though, is a fairly elusive concept, often used in slightly different ways.1 Before I delve into some of the complexi-ties, let's consider some further examples to give the general idea. As you present, pay close attention to your audiences social and facial cues. I also ask questions on behalf of members looking for advice from the community. I tried with the Fibonacci Series but i failed. tosbourn ltd is registered in England with the company number 10361069. Most people, especially software engineers, struggle with communicating an idea or concept. Did they refer to parts of the body by their Latin names or their common names? Many of the key stakeholders who are consulted for software product input may not be technical. Recursion when used in a programming or computer science context simply means when a part of your program calls itself. This has the benefit of meaning that you can loop through data to reach a result. Later you may suggest including some little discrepancies, like using 59 degrees instead of 60 Generally, Logo is awesome language to teach recursion. These are some of the most common tools used for incremental problem solving in any . It will help give you a home base for direction, so if you start to sway too deep into a topic, you can pull yourself back and cater to the needs of the listener. The prototypical question here is "Can you explain recursion to a five year old", i.e. But mainly the simplicity of recursion is sometimes preferred. I just got asked this in a job interview and it really stumped me, I ended up describing how you can take a piece of paper and fold it in half, then 'recurse' by folding the already-folded sheet in half again, then again and again until it's so thick that it can't you can't fold it anymore. Did they refer to parts of the body by their Latin names or their common names? Somebody asked you to add them up and tell them the result. One problem here, of course, is that this . Ill show you how to help your stakeholders understand what a database is. A German term for "comprehend" is "begreifen", which literally means "to touch something in order to understand it". I run the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel. Recursive functions use something called the call stack. When a program calls a function, that function goes on top of the call stack. The method has called itself. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, Recursion -- is it "divide and conquer" or "code reuse". Let your listener digest. The word 'regression' was used by Sir Francis Galton to describe the relationship between heights of parents and their children. The most popular online Visio alternative, Lucidchart is utilized in over 180 countries by millions of users, from sales managers mapping out target organizations to IT directors visualizing their network infrastructure. Sign upto receive our technical articles in your email inbox. The second step is figuring out ways to explain often quite complex concepts in lay terms. This is a stack of half-completed function calls, each with its own half-complete list of boxes to look through. Where the term self-reliant suggests a person or persons who have acquired a certain level of expertise without necessarily being professionals. Both approaches accomplish the same thing. "What do you mean add 'them' up, it's just one card.". Find out if you're ready for PM interviews, 2,500+ product manager interview questions. Then, when you are ready to take something off, you always take off the top item. Everything needs to be communicated in simple terms with a non-technical audience. To better understand the memory allocation of recursive functions, examine the following example. Privacy Policy. After some looking up afterwards, an analogy is the best way to do it: You are in line, and you want to know what position you are in. We accomplish this by creating thousands of videos, articles, and interactive coding lessons - all freely available to the public. You have someone come up to you with a box and they tell you that the key to the room is in there. @muntoo And I learned multiplication when I was in Kindergarten. Take time to allow them to wrap their head around your subject, avoiding the urge to cram every detail on a slide and just reading it aloud., If youre going to use PowerPoint to convey your information, remember that every slide should enhance the presentation and not detract from it. Story Identification: Nanomachines Building Cities. Well, instead of asking people to meet your standards, follow the platinum rule and adjust to their comfort zone. Other suggested fractals, that's a good idea. When you have a lot of data or information to share, resist feeding it to your audience with a firehose. The senior management team that approves funding or budgeting likewise may not be technical. Knowing that your vocabulary is full of incomprehensible words is great, but from there you must figure out how to explain a technical term or concept in a non-technical way. So good luck. We never send marketing texts and do not sell your personal information. The second step is figuring out ways to explain often quite complex concepts in lay terms. If you dont have your own relatable or relevant story, use anecdotes taken from recent events or industry publications that fit your needs. Excellent for beginners or if you just need It only takes a minute to sign up. It starts with a number that we want to know, It keeps on multiplying by smaller and smaller numbers. A medical practice has it's own patient database and appointment scheduling system used by it's admin and medical staff. In this article, we will review five strategies that developers, engineers, IT workers, and other technical professionals can use to communicate their ideas more effectively, strategies that you can quickly put into practice in almost any workplace imaginable. Finally, it is very useful to introduce some silence into your explanations. [duplicate], The open-source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot (Ep. Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use. The most common application of recursion is in mathematicsand computer science, where a functionbeing defined is applied within its own definition. factorial(5) is written as 5! This can improve efficiency, as well as make people feel more integrated into the overall business direction. It cuts through the technical level and gives these people the information they truly want. Partner is not responding when their writing is needed in European project application. Recursion is a powerful technique that helps us bridge the gap between complex problems being solved with elegant code. recursive: [adjective] of, relating to, or involving recursion. Boxes inside of boxes. The communication skills necessary to present knowledge-specific information to non-techies is growing in necessity. A recursive function requires two parts: a recursive call and a base case. This is a widely used idea in data structures and algorithms to solve complex problems by breaking them down into simpler ones. As a result, you have to maintain the stack and track the values of the variables specified in it. Struggled with this one and ended up not being able to explain it well. Youll find your conversations with coworkers in other departments flow easier as ideas are shared simply and fluidly. The choice of whether to use recursion to solve a problem depends in large part on the nature of the problem. If you learn best through books, get the book! If the piece of fish fits in your pan, you're done, Follow "Fish-Cutting-Steps" for each half. Other people here are suggesting ( NoLock ) help with query performance be. Superior to synchronization using locks what you should work to improve keeps on multiplying by smaller and smaller.. 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