(1978) Arizona State University. Research specialties: cultural presentation and representation,cultural heritage policy, cultural disaster and response, material culture studies, museum controversies, indigenous knowledge systems, cultures of south Asia and the United States. Over decades of research and production, we have created educational materials for cultural professionals, educators, and casual learners, including lessons plans, documentation handbooks, learning guides, and online exhibitions. To support Putins wrongful argument that Ukraine doesnt have a culture and history independent of Russia, his forces figure they can simply bomb away the countrys cultural heritage. By the time of the Bicentennial Celebration 10 years later, the DC Folklife Festival had been incorporated into the festivities for the national party with activities scheduled throughout the summer. The first Festival of American Folklife, with a budget of $4,900 and showcasing 84 participants, took place over the Fourth of July weekend 1967 on the National Mall and on the plaza of the Museum of History and Technology. The Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives and Collections contains an extensive collection that documents American and world traditions in research notes, videos, CDs, audio tapes, and still images. When the clouds cleared, satellite imagery confirmed what local residents had photographed with their cell phones: the tiny, isolated museum had been destroyed. This includes not only the artifacts which are born-digital but also older analog forms which require reformatting for the digital world.[10]. An image dated two weeks later, on February 27, depicts the museum roofless with major damage, while other nearby buildings remained undamagedan indication that the museum was specifically targeted. This intangible cultural heritage, transmitted from generation to generation, is constantly recreated by communities and groups in response to their environment, their interaction with nature and their history, and provides them with a sense of identity and continuity, thus promoting respect for cultural diversity and human creativity. To date, the label has won six Grammy Awards, one Latin Grammy, 10 Grammy Lifetime Achievement Awards and 30 Independent Music Awards. (1977) Smith College; M.A. The Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage promotes greater understanding and sustainability of cultural heritage across the United States and around the world through research, education, and community engagement. (1991), Ph.D. (1998) University of California, Los Angeles. (1989), M.A. Search millions of objects in the collections including photographs, artworks, artifacts, scientific specimens, manuscripts, sound records, and transcripts. Research specialties: Music history, library and information sciences, ethnomusicology, multicultural history of the banjo. Given satellite coverage, they can reference images over a period of time to pinpoint when the damage occurred and how extensive it is. Cookie Policy Research specialties: City and regional planning, cultural sustainability, elevation of cultural practices to improve local economies. One of the early cultural casualties of the Russian invasion was the Ivankiv Historical and Local History Museum. B.A. Curator of Language and Cultural Vitality. (1973) New York University; M.A. Ralph Carter Rinzler, 59, was former Assistant Secretary for Public Service and founding Director of the Festival of American Folklife. Those trucks were later reported to have delivered the artworks to the Russian-controlled Central Museum of Tavrida in Simferopol, Crimea. (2004) Barnard College, Columbia University; M.A. Storing collections in places without proper climate control and inadequate air circulation often leads to the development of mold, fungus and other problems that have to be mitigated. It also maintains the Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives and Collections. (1972) State University of New York, Buffalo; M.A. In presenting the Smithsonians contribution to that effort, we could not have been prouder. The compound name, Center for Folklife & Cultural Heritage, epitomizes an ongoing transition within the field of cultural studies. [note 3]. Taquile Musicians from Peru at Festival of American Folklife, 1991. The centers collections are global in perspective, covering world ethnic performance traditions, spoken-word recordings, sounds of science and nature, occupational folklore and family folklore. In addition to those named above, the author wishes to thank Hayden Bassett, Katharyn Hanson, Brian Daniels and members of the SCRI, CHML, HERI and NRRC teams who have engaged in this cultural heritage work. B.A. (2009) University of Hawaii at Mnoa/East West Center; M.A. The American Folklife Center, at the nearby Library of Congress, limits its scope to American Folklife in contrast to the international scope of the CFCH. B.A. B.A. Contact:LinnM@si.edu, Motley, Sabrina Lynn, Director, Smithsonian Folklife Festival. South Africa Program at Smithsonian Folklife Festival, 1999. The impact of the Center is felt far beyond the National Mall. (1978) Kenyon College; M.L.S. The archive continues to grow in tandem with both the annual Folklife Festival, and the Folkways record label; it serves as the documentation and research foundation for the activities of these other two units of the CFCH. My Armenia harnesses the power of storytelling to strengthen cultural heritage sustainability through community-based tourism development. When we think about war, what comes to mind is that quest for power and territory, the violent use of destructive armaments and the horrific costs incurred in human lives lost and shattered. Telephone: 202.633.6440 Fax: 202.633.6474 Email . Since 1967 the Smithsonian Folklife Festival has taken place at the National Mall and featured ongoing performances and demonstrations of contemporary cultural traditions. There are restrictions for re-using this image. Dr. Richard Kurin, the Smithsonians Distinguished Scholar and Ambassador at Large, has served as the institution's Under Secretary and as director of the Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, among other leadership roles over his four decade-long Smithsonian career. Now that the festival organization and model were well established, Rinzler began to explore other varieties of folklife productions appropriate for a national museum. In 2010, the Initiative for Global Citizen Diplomacy honored the Festival with a Best Practice Award for International Cultural Engagement, and, in 2017, the American Alliance of Museums recognized the Festival with a Sustainability Excellence Award. Research specialties: Occupational folklife, African folklife, epic, narrative, proverbs, computer applications in folklore, intangible cultural heritage policy. (1985) Wichita State University; M.A. Research specialties: Indigenous, intercultural, and community media; digital media and performance;Afro-Brazilian expressive culture. Svitlana Stryelnikova, director general of the National Research Restoration Center of Ukraine, and her staff of expert conservators at the headquarters in Kyiv and branch facilities in Kharkiv, Odesa and Lviv were charged with caring for Ukrainian national collections. What unique knowledge is lost when a language has lost its last native speaker? This collaborative project between the people of Armenia, the Smithsonian and USAID aims to deepen understanding of the countrys living traditions and heritage sites. Contact:ButvinHM@si.edu, Clark, Logan,Executive Assistant, Smithsonian Folkways. B.A. Research specialties: Sound archives, archives, traditional musicof the United States, Woody Guthrie, Lead Belly, record production, history of sound recordings. (2005) University of California, Los Angeles; PGCert. And the work of organizations, including the Smithsonian, mobilized thanks to years of cultural heritage training efforts, is aiding the country in its effort to protect artifacts, books, documents and artworks from these insidious attacks. The first lady spoke eloquently of the importance of history, art and culture in defining the identity of the Ukrainian people. B.A. B.A. The Festival takes place for two weeks every summer overlapping the Fourth of July holiday. (1996) University of Kansas; Ph.D. (2001) University of Kansas. (1983), Ph.D. (1991) Indiana University. Smithsonian Folkways Recordings is the institutions nonprofit record label, representing the collections and productions of nearly two dozen companies and organizations, documenting the diversity of the worlds musical and spoken-word heritage and creativity. [6] This was non-standard for the Smithsonian, and guaranteed to provoke curators accustomed to operating in orderly museum buildings.[7]. The Smithsonian Artisan Initiative is dedicated to building the sustainability of traditional culture. M.A., Ohio State University. (1972) State University of New York, Buffalo; M.A. Folklore (or traditional and popular culture) is the totality of tradition-based creations of a cultural community, expressed by a group or individuals and recognized as reflecting the expectations of a community in so far as they reflect its cultural and social identity; its standards and values are transmitted orally, by imitation or by other means. Research specialties: Language documentation and description, language revitalization, youth motivation in language vitality, language and cultural diversity especially in Oklahoma and American Southeast, community-based endangered languages archives, language policy. Research specialties: English country dance in the U.S., Scottish traditional song and the Folk Revival, comparative British and Appalachian folksong traditions. Contact:NDiaye@si.edu, Place, Jeffrey, Curator and Senior Archivist. (1987) University of Maryland. Contact:SheehyD@si.edu, Cadaval, Olivia, Research Associate. (1981), Ph.D. (1995) University of Pennsylvania. Once approved by Ripley, Morris hired Ralph Rinzler to help him produce this festival for the upcoming summer 1967. Last year, with the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, the lab ramped up its efforts employing still more satellites, including some with specialized sensors that can detect heat signatures to record kinetic activity. These . Smithsonian Center for Folklife & Cultural Heritage Blog | Smithsonian Magazine Smithsonian Voices From the Smithsonian Museums Introducing Graphic Artist Jean Young's Powerful New. Over the past decades, the Festival has brought more than 23,000 musicians, artists, performers, craftspeople, workers, cooks, and storytellers from more than 90 nations and the United States to demonstrate their skills, artistry, knowledge, and wisdom. (1980), Ph.D. (1990) Indiana University. (1988) Brown University; M.A. This linguistic shift can be documented more precisely in the language of the UNESCO treaties. The topics and research areas that had been labeled as folklore and folklife are increasingly rebranded as topics within the purview of cultural studies. The Center also produces major national cultural events consistent with its mission. Lithuanian Blacksmith at Smithsonian Folklife Festival, 1998. A participant works on a quilt at the 1968 Festival of American Folklife on the National Mall, Washington, D.C. Yugoslav Dancers at Festival of American Folklife, 1973. B.A. Box 37012, MRC 520 Washington, D.C. 20013-7012, Email powered by MailChimp (Privacy Policy, Terms of Use), Living traditions of, by, and for the people. As the one-year anniversary of the deadly 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine approaches, we take a close look at the ongoing work of hundreds of professionals across a landscape of Ukrainian and international organizations to defend endangered cultural heritage. Theyve conducted inventories and composed condition reports. Contact:PlaceJ1@si.edu, Sheehy, Daniel E., Curator and Director Emeritus, Smithsonian Folkways Recordings. The 10-day event provides a platform for cultural exploration, exchange and engagement. Research specialties: Asian American history and culture, Los Angeles history and culture, urban history, public history, vernacular landscape. B.A. Join our mailing list and help us with a tax-deductible donation today. Research specialties: Native American and Pacific Rim material culture, contemporary Native American art, museum practice. (1978) Kenyon College; M.L.S. Originally part of the Smithsonians Division of Performing Arts, a separate Office of Folklife Programs was created in 1980. Ihor Poshyvailo, director of the Maidan Museum in Kyiv and co-founder of Ukraines Heritage Emergency Response Initiative, along with his crew, salvages the remains of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary built in 1862 and shelled by the Russians in March 2022. Ph.D. (1979) University of California, Los Angeles. How can we ensure that ancient manuscripts best survive freezing temperatures, given the lack of heat in winter? Accessibility, Diversity & Inclusion, Anthropology - Cultural, Archival, Collections Management, Communication & Marketing, Computer & IT, Crafts, Cultural Heritage, Curatorial, Design, Development & Fundraising, Education, Film, Music, Photography, Public Affairs & Social Media, Research & Analysis, Special Events & Festivals, Women's Studies, Research specialties: Ethnographic and Indigenous archives, information ethics, language revitalization, indigenous knowledge systems, knowledge repatriation, Africa. As in other regions of Europe, the population of the geographic region of modern Ukraine reflects a diversity of ethnic migrations and cultural influences, as well as a succession of political rulers and changing boundaries over millennia. The third team at CFCH manages and curates the Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives and Collections. Dr. Richard Kurin, the Smithsonian's Distinguished Scholar and Ambassador at Large, has served as the institution's Under Secretary and as director of the Center for Folklife and Cultural . Spotlighting these questions also brings into sharp relief the shadow side of minority language communities, which are characteristically marked by poverty, isolation, segregation, travel restrictions, and censorship.[13]. In 1964 the new Smithsonian secretary, S. Dillon Ripley, arrived in Washington with an innovative museum concept: he challenged curators to "take the objects out of their cases and make them sing". A plethora of newly minted compound concepts have been introduced into the vocabulary and discussion of culture since the turn of the century. Curator. Intern at Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage Portland, Oregon, United States . Smithsonian Folkways Recordings is the nonprofit record label of the Smithsonian Institution that supports cultural diversity and increased understanding among peoples through the documentation, preservation, and dissemination of sound recordings. Email powered by MailChimp (Privacy Policy, Terms of Use), Kronos Quartet, Rinde Eckert, Vn-nh Vanessa V. B.A. These . In the practical implementation of cultural sustainability, CFCH also manages three different projects where the theoretical finding of this research can be put to test in the field. How, then, could conservators make house calls around the country at facilities storing collections of art, artifacts, books, documents, photographs and scientific specimens that documented the richness of Ukraines history, art, culture and scientific achievement? Folklife Festival Using that data, the labs analysts are able to see how closely the heat signatures align with cultural sites. The Washington Monument can be seen in the distance. (1991), Ph.D. (1998) University of California, Los Angeles. View ratings, addresses and opening hours of best restaurants. The Smithsonian Folklife Festival is an international exposition of living cultural heritage annually produced outdoors on the National Mall of the United States in Washington, D.C., by the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. Collaborative Cultural Research and Public-Sector Folklore Presentation: An Ethnographic Study of the African Immigrant Folklife Study Project Awards And Honors Fellow, conferred by American Folklore Society, 2017 Affiliation Member Of Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage Contact The monuments lauded Russian triumphs, from the czarist empire, to Stalin and victory over the Nazis in World War II, to Russian heroes of 2014. Folklife Magazine explores how culture shapes our lives. It has become a national and international model of a research-based presentation of intangible cultural heritage. We publish stories about music, food, craft, language, celebrations, activism, and the individuals and communities who sustain these traditions. Explore full information about cafes in General Alvear, Buenos Aires Province and nearby. Search millions of objects in the collections including photographs, artworks, artifacts, scientific specimens, manuscripts, sound records, and transcripts. (1981), Ph.D. (1995) University of Pennsylvania. Contact:Leopold@si.edu. B.A. Contact:Diaz-CarreraC@si.edu, Holmgren, Meredith,Curator, American Womens Music. Yugoslav dancers rehearse on the South Terrace of the National Museum of History and Technology, now the National Museum of American History, before their performance at the seventh annual Festival of American Folklife, June 30 - July 8, 1973. Search millions of objects in the collections including photographs, artworks, artifacts, scientific specimens, manuscripts, sound records, and transcripts. The Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage promotes greater understanding and sustainability of cultural heritage across the United States and around the world through research, education, and community engagement. Through Festival field and documentary research, curation, live programs, and digital storytelling, the Festival communicates an unwavering commitment to representing diverse cultures as a positive force for cultural equity, inclusivity, and the common good. (1977) University of North Carolina; Ph.D. (1988) University of Edinburgh. (1988) Brown University; M.A. We thank you for your support! They focus on American, and more specifically Euro-American, African American, Caribbean and Native American musical and performance traditions. (1996) University of Kansas; Ph.D. (2001) University of Kansas. That enables the monitoring of bombings, missile strikes, artillery shelling and fires. Among them was the Kosciuszko Foundation, a Polish American organization that, with funding and advice from the Smithsonian, has provided emergency stabilization supplies for dozens of Ukrainian museums from its offices in Warsaw. Eliot Elisofon Photographic Archives, African Art. This page was last edited on 8 December 2021, at 08:10. (2007), Ph.D. (2015) New York University. Mexican Stitchery Demonstration at Festival of American Folklife, 1978. For more information, visit the Smithsonian's, International media Interoperability Framework. For a list of individual collections included under the umbrella of Smithsonian Folkways, see, For specifics on research questions for this group, see, For a list of events sponsored by this research group, see, Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives and Collections, European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, "Sustaining Minority Languages in Europe (SMiLE)", Smithsonian Contributions and Studies Series, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Center_for_Folklife_and_Cultural_Heritage&oldid=1059238250. These were successfully concluded in 1987, and this collection became the core of the Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives and Collections, a rich resource for the study of folk culture and music. Research specialties: Native American and Pacific Rim material culture, contemporary Native American art, museum practice. Texas: A Celebration of Music, Food, and Wine, Roots of Virginia Culture: The Past is Present, Carriers of Culture: Living Native Basket Traditions, Nuestra Msica: Music in Latino Culture (2005), Haiti: Freedom and Creativity from the Mountains to the Sea, Nuestra Msica: Music in Latino Culture (2004), South Africa: Crafting the Economic Renaissance of the Rainbow Nation, The Baltic Nations: Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, Heartbeat: The Voices of First Nations Women, Russian Roots, American Branches: Music in Two Worlds, The Czech Republic: Tradition and Transformation, Culture and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, Masters of Traditional Arts: The National Endowment for the Arts National Heritage Fellows, Creativity and Resistance: Maroon Culture in the Americas, The Changing Soundscape in Indian Country, Forest, Field and Sea: Folklife in Indonesia, Roots of Rhythm and Blues: The Robert Johnson Era, Les Ftes Chez Nous: France and North America, The Caribbean: Cultural Encounters in the New World, Ingenuity and Tradition: The Common Wealth of Massachusetts, Migration to Metropolitan Washington: Making a New Place Home, Music from the Peoples of the Soviet Union, Cultural Conservation and Languages: America's Many Voices, Cultural Conservation: Traditional Crafts in a Post-Industrial Age, Black Urban Expressive Culture from Philadelphia, National Heritage Fellowships Program (1983), National Heritage Fellowships Program (1982), Music and Crafts of the Southeastern United States, Community Activities and Food Preservation, Folklife in the Museum: A Nation of Nations (1978), Folklife in the Museum: Renwick Gallery (1978), Folklife in the Museum: A Nation of Nations (1977), Folklife in the Museum: Hall of Musical Instruments, Folklife in the Museum: Renwick Gallery (1977). Street and Delivery Address: Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage Capital Gallery Building 600 Maryland Avenue SW Suite 2001 MRC 520 Washington, D.C. 20024. (1996) Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile; M.A. They have tackled challenges and found solutions to questions like: Whats the best way to pack hundreds of paintings quickly? Working in collaboration with the Smithsonian initiative "Recovering Voices"., this interdisciplinary research program explores relationships between language revitalization, cultural heritage, and traditional cultural transmission. To date, almost 1,600 cases of potential damage to Ukrainian cultural heritage sites have been documented, including some 700 monuments and memorials, and more than 200 museums, archives and libraries. Folklorist, Curator, Education Specialist. B.A. Its forms are, among others, language, literature, music, dance, games, mythology, rituals, customs, handicrafts, architecture and other arts. If proximate, they call up satellite photographic imagery to examine possible damage. (1974), Ph.D. (1981) University of Chicago. The Smithsonian, in an effort to document cultural war crimes as defined by the 1954 Hague Convention, shares its findings with Ukrainian cultural colleagues, and with the U.S. Department of States Conflict Observatory. Seeger, Anthony, Smithsonian Folkways Recordings Curator and Director Emeritus. Contact:ClarkLE@si.edu, Crdova, Amalia,Latino Digital Curator of New and Emerging Media. Research specialties: cultural presentation and representation,cultural heritage policy, cultural disaster and response, material culture studies, museum controversies, indigenous knowledge systems, cultures of south Asia and the United States. The record label originated as the Folkways Records of Moe Asch, which were donated to the Smithsonian in 1989 under the unique condition that all records in the collection remain available "forever", regardless of sales. Smithsonian Folkwaysisdedicated tosupporting cultural diversityandincreased understanding among peoplesthrough the documentation, preservation, and dissemination of sound. Director:Michael Atwood MasonTotal Full-Time Employees:45Annual Budget (federal, trust and business activities) FY 2017:$10 million. In 2020, at a Washington, D.C. symposium organized by the Smithsonian Cultural Rescue Initiative (SCRI), Ihor Poshyvailo, the director of the Maidan Museum in Kyiv, warned American and international colleagues that culture was becoming an object of war, as Russification policies in the regions captured in 2014 were aimed at diminishing a Ukrainian presence. This component, previously tucked in with social sustainability, was now to considered in its own right. Research specialties: Cultural anthropology, cultural heritage presentation and representation, cultural performance and social activism, museum programming and public engagement. Rinzler had previously worked at the Newport Folk Festival, and brought with him both the know-how and connections needed to pull together a new DC folk festival. A third team involved in the more theoretical work on "cultural policy". Senior Folklorist Emeritus. 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Junior volunteer John McCauley demonstrates marblemaking to onlookers at the 20th Festival of American Folklife, in the Summer of 1986. Ripley, S. Dillon. The images in the exhibition spotlight noteworthy individuals and uplift objects from the museums collection, many on display for the first time. Rinzler continued in the Festival organization, originally as part of the Smithsonian's Division of Performing Arts until a separate Office of Folklife Programs was created in 1980. Morris and Rinzler were named Washingtonians of the Year. By 2003, the follow-up treaty was entitled the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. B.A. The Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage is a research and educational unit of the Smithsonian Institution. Director, Smithsonian Folklife Festival. Together they reflect diverse aspects of the Black religious experience and testify to the role religion has played in the struggle for human dignity and social equality. (1993), A.B.D. Sometimes collections are in disarray, evidence of hurried packing and evacuation. Box 37012, MRC 520 Washington, D.C. 20013-7012. In 1998, the Festival was renamed the Smithsonian Folklife Festival to reflect its international interests, and in 1999 the office was renamed the Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage to reflect its research, as well as public program functions. Distinguished Scholar and Ambassador-at-Large. Putin, though, claims that Ukrainians lack the history, culture and identity worthy of a national state separate from Russia. SMITHSONIAN CENTER FOR FOLKLIFE & CULTURAL HERITAGE. The Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives and Collections is a public resource home to hundreds of thousands of videos, films, photographs, sound recordings, and field reports that document cultural traditions, maintained with an increasing commitment to digital accessibility and shared stewardship. Various alternatives failed, but thanks to contacts through the U.S. State Department, the Smithsonian enlisted Uber, which had been providing free transport for refugees fleeing Ukraine and even for relocating them in neighboring countries. Poshyvailo was intimately familiar with the Smithsonians work, having served as a Fulbright scholar in 2010 while the institution mobilized on-the-ground efforts to save cultural heritage in Haiti following a devastating earthquake. The Smithsonian Folklife Festival is a research-based presentation of living cultural heritage annually produced outdoors on the National Mall. (1979) State University of New York at Binghamton; M.A. Cookie Settings, Courtesy of National Research and Restoration Center, Courtesy of the Cultural Heritage Monitoring Lab, Courtesy of the National Research and Restoration Center, University of Maryland Center for Development and Conflict Management, Heritage Emergency Response Initiative (HERI), International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property. Wegener received a message early on from the head of a university-based herbarium. To have delivered the artworks to the Russian-controlled Central museum of Tavrida in,. The monitoring of bombings, missile strikes, artillery shelling and fires digital media and performance.! Identity of the century ( 1995 ) University of Kansas the identity of the Russian invasion was Ivankiv. Marblemaking to onlookers at the 20th Festival of American Folklife Senior Archivist and nearby narrative, proverbs, computer in! 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Of time to pinpoint when the damage occurred and how extensive it is, intangible heritage... 1977 ) University of California, Los Angeles the history, culture and identity worthy of a herbarium. 520 Washington, D.C. 20013-7012 applications in folklore, intangible cultural heritage taken place at 20th. Annually produced outdoors on the National Mall and featured ongoing performances and demonstrations contemporary. Identity worthy of a university-based herbarium cultural heritage presentation and representation, cultural sustainability, elevation of cultural practices improve! For the upcoming summer 1967 1998 ) University of California, Los Angeles history and culture, contemporary Native art... 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